Monday, June 30, 2014

Baby Health Problems

GER occurs in infants with some regularity, especially right after feeding. Nursery staff members have been known to cringe as they watched the pediatrician examining a baby they'd just fed. Those who change baby's outfits are most keenly aware of what happens when she isn't handled extra-gently after a feeding. In Shakespeare's As You Like It, babies are described as "puking in the nurse's arms," the reason being reflux, methinks.

Infants who spit up occasionally just need gentle handling and small, frequent feeding with well-placed burps. If the spitting continues, the baby can be kept upright for 20 to 30 minutes after feeding. If this doesn't help, try keeping the baby in a vertical position for a longer period and thickening her milk with cereal. If the baby is healthy and thriving, you need do no more than this.

Time solves most reflux, particularly the common, mild variety. For some reason, once the baby begins to walk, most reflux stops. Reflux is talked about a lot these days, mainly because of its less common but more serious aspects. A few children who have it vomit so frequently that they lose weight. Another small percentage of re-fluxers bring up the stomach contents only as far as the lower esophagus but don't regurgitate at all.

The latter often end up with their sensitive membranes inflamed by the acids of the stomach, a risk of blood loss, and sometimes scars that can narrow the esophagus significantly. Lung infections and wheezing are two more rare complications that occur when some of the refluxed material is inhaled into the baby's lungs. This is more likely to happen when babies have nighttime GER.

All of these more serious manifestations of GER usually require more than just the passage of time to be cured, so, in these cases, doctors want a clear picture of just what's happening in the baby's esophagus. In the past, the only way physicians could get a firsthand look at GER in action was X-ray examination while the baby swallowed barium.

That test (the esophagram) presented Jots of problems. Since GER doesn't occur continuously, the test often yielded normal results even when the problem existed. Also, very enthusiastic examiners, using very enthusiastic techniques, often got "positive" findings suggesting problems even in normal subjects. Eventually doctors began to consider minor degrees of reflux as normal, and only reflux that met certain criteria was considered significant.

 The catch here was in deciding on what was significant. Technology to the rescue, by the way of tiny pressure transducers inside tubes that can be passed into the esophagus. These new transducers reveal whether or not the pressure in the baby's lower esophagus is too low to prevent GER. If your doctor wants to see if your baby's esophagus is inflamed bythe stomach's acid, he can have a very narrow, illuminated, flexible tube passed directly into the gullet and see firsthand.

Scanning over the esophagus and lungs after feeding the baby a radioactive compound is another space-age way of detecting GER. These tests are wonderful, but luckily, most refluxers never need them because their health and weight remain normal, and, as for treatment, they respond to benign neglect
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Baby Health - The Doctor Should Be Pediatric

Baby health is without any doubt the most important concern of any parent. Therefore, they keep doing everything possible to ensure that their kid have a sound and good health. They will give the kid regular foods maintaining the nutrition requirement. They will make him involve in physical activities.

They will allow him to take rest. The concern with baby health is their incapability to communicate their problems and complains. Therefore, parents have to keep keen eyes on their every single activities and facial expression. One good way for parents to see how their baby health is performing is having frequent observation of the baby urine and stool.

Any abnormalities that go inside baby body is relayed and reflected in the stools and urine. For urine, you can check the color, the amount of it. For stool, you can check the interval of defecation, the solidity and the color. Anything that appears irregular with your baby should be your sign to count on some abnormalities with the baby health. Then immediately consult with pediatric doctors. If needed build a bond with the doctor. Consult him frequently.

Even if your baby is well, playing sound; still visit the doctor regularly to assess whether the growth is in right track. It is solely on the hand of parents. People are not aware that much about it. Therefore, some tragic situation takes them. Some people prefer to observe the situational development for forty-eight hours. However, it is risky because whatever substances the baby is releasing comes from his entire digestion system. Therefore, everybody should consult doctors immediately.
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Parents, Protect Your Baby's Health With an Air Purifier

Unhealthy air can create many problems for a new baby and one of the worst is asthma. An air purifier in your babies room can help prevent problems now and worse problems in the future. You see, if there is smoke, pet hair and dander, pollen, dust or a host of other irritants in the air in your home, those irritants are getting into your lungs and into your baby's lungs.

Little children are at greater risk than older children or adults and respiratory problems that develop when your baby is little will plague him or her throughout life. It's as important for you baby to breath clean air as it is for your baby to have clean clothes, clean food and clean water and the best way to have clean air is with an air cleaner or purifier.

Expert advice on baby / child health problems

It's almost impossible to keep dust and pollen out of the air without an air purifier, let alone smoke and pet dander. Even if you stop smoking and get rid of the family pet, your baby can be affected by other impurities in the air. There are several options available in the selection of an air purifier filter. There are single room models and larger units that will filter the air in an entire house.

That's great if your budget will allow, but consider your baby's room to be the top priority. The important thing is to get an air filter that will effectively clean the air your baby is breathing. If you have pets or smokers in the house, you'll need a more effective air cleaner. Look for the HEPA label. HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particle Arrester and a HEPA filter will remove very small particles from the air.
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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Are Baby Boomers Healthier Than Their Parents?

When it comes to baby boomer health, the individuals who are inching their way towards retirement or have already stopped working are displaying a disturbing trend showcasing poorer health than their parents. Evidence suggests that the status of baby boomer health paints the picture of health conscious, youthful looking people with varying health concerns despite their increased knowledge of fitness, diet, and physical conditioning.

Today, many surveys on baby boomers have revealed that they too view their vitality as less than their parents possessed at the same age. On the whole, as this particular generation ages, a higher incidence of health problems concerning mobility has also been reported. Baby boomers face a higher risk of encountering difficulty climbing a flight of stairs, completing their daily routines, or getting out of a sitting position with ease. Chronic health issues, such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes are also glaring concerns pertaining to the health of a baby boomer.

A distressing trend is growing where baby boomers are surpassing the medical concerns of older generations. Despite the advancements in medicine and science, increased knowledge of alternative medical treatments, and easier access to information regarding health topics, the progression of unhealthy trends are seriously hampering the longevity of baby boomers.

One of the worst offenders is found in the rise in obesity, as 2/3 of Americans are overweight, which adds to the weakening of joints, muscles, and bones. The extra weight causes cholesterol levels and blood pressure to skyrocket. An assortment of life-threatening health problems also come into play. Ironically, the gym memberships that baby boomers subscribe to don't even match the physical activity of their parents (or even their grandparents) because their daily routines are often confined to desk duty or involve constant travel by car.

The typical picture of a baby boomer is often seen as an educated individual full of health and vigor, yet not all people in the generation attended college and not everyone follows a healthy lifestyle. The higher levels of stress that older generations tended not to face also contributes to the poor or failing
health of a baby boomer, as job security, unemployment, social security woes, increased health care, the war, and busy schedules all have a more profound effect.

The health of baby boomers differs from older generations because many people are working two jobs, lacking sufficient sleep, facing unstable life factors, take less time to relax, and have fewer social outlets. On the other hand, life expectancy rates have continued to rise over the years and disability rates are experiencing a steady drop. Illnesses are receiving early diagnosis and treatment, as boomers are also able to gain better control of conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes.

In some cases, baby boomers will enter retirement healthier in certain areas of medical concerns than their parents. For example, it is proven that they are less likely to indulge in tobacco products, but will still face a new crop of health concerns. A rise in dental, hearing, and vision problems has been discovered. Now, baby boomers are usually susceptible to obesity, Alzheimer's disease, chronic health conditions, issues with drugs and alcohol, psychiatric problems, and experience more pain.

Sadly, the health of a baby boomer is declining and this only means more problems for society on a whole, as rising health care costs reflect the elevated need for medical attention. Overall, despite medical advancements, effective treatments, and better medical education, the parents of baby boomers managed to stay more active, face less health issues, and enter their golden years with fewer problems than their children.
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